Blossoming Czech Online

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Application for Blossoming Czech Online Results

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⚡Po více opakujících se žádostí , vyhlašuje se cena diváků “Best World Dance Group 2021”.
⭐️Porota vyhodnotila Vítěze
❤️13. května ve 15:30 vyberete Nejlepší číslo „Best World Dance Group 2021“.


⚡Внимание , по многочисленным просьбам , объявляем Приз “Зрительских симпатий “ “Best World Dance Group 2021”.
⭐️Жюри оценило Победителей ,
❤️ 13 мая в 15:30 Вы выбираете Лучшего из Лучших “Best World Dance Group 2021”.


⚡Attention, by popular demand, we are announcing the Audience Choice Award.
⭐️The jury evaluated the Winners
❤️On May 13 at 3:30 pm you choose the Best of the Best “Best World Dance Group 2021”.

We are announcing the results of the largest and most important online youth festival “Blossoming Czech Republic-2021” and the finals of the choreographic competition. Best World Dance Group 2020-2021. The festival was attended by: almost 500 dancers from England, Israel, Slovakia, Russia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine. The jury was impressed by most of the participants, the excellent work of teachers and choreographers.

The chairwoman of the jury, Miroslav Peshikova, explained this miracle with the excellent talent of young artists, the genius of the leaders and the endless work of both.
We would like to thank the groups, soloists, duos, trios for the incredibly beautiful and interesting performances that were entered in the competition. We are proud to have witnessed.
Real creativity. The winners received awards for dance works of art for young people.
We hope that summer will allow us to meet in a normal format
At festivals:
“Rainbow” – folklore festival from 07-17 August 2021 in the South of the Czech Republic.
“Holiday of Time” from August 18-28 is the festival of contemporary nominations traditionally held in the Czech Republic and Italy.

On May 13, 2021, we will broadcast a block of winners at 3:30 p.m.

Vyhlašujeme výsledky největšího a nejvýznamnějšího online mládežnického festivalu Blossoming Czech Republic-2021 a finále choreografické soutěžní soutěže. Best World Dance Group 2020/2021.
Festivalu se zúčastnilo: téměř 500 tanečníků z Anglie, Izraele, Slovenska, Ruska, České republiky, Ukrajiny. Porotu nadchla většina účastníků a vynikající práce učitelů a choreografů.

Předsedkyně poroty Miroslava Pešiková vysvětlila tento zázrak vynikajícím talentem mladých umělců, genialitou vedoucích souboru a nekonečnou prací obou.
Rádi bychom poděkovali kolektivům, sólistům, duům, triím za neuvěřitelně krásné a zajímavé představení, které byli přihlášení do soutěže. Jsme hrdí na to, že jsme byli svědky skutečné kreativity. Vítězové obdrželi ocenění.
Všichni účastníci soutěže obdrží diplomy a medaile Best World Dance Group a granty na podzimní a zimní kola soutěže Best World Dance Group 2021/2022“. Vítězové obdrželi poháry, značkové vázy a granty na účast ve festivalech Sympathy of Europarks 2021/2022 v Disneylandu.
Doufáme, že léto nám umožní se setkat v normálním formátu
Na festivalech:
„Duha“ – folklórní festival od 7. do 17. srpna 2021 na jihu České republiky.
„Svátek času“ od 18. do 28. srpna je festival současných nominací tradičně pořádaný v Česku a Itálii.

13. května 2021 vysíláme blok vítězů v 15:30.

Мы объявляем результаты самого масштабного и значимого молодёжного онлайн фестиваля “Blossoming Czech-2021” и финал хореографического чемпионата-конкурса Best World Dance Group 2020/2021.
В фестивале участвовала около 500 танцоров из Англии, Израиля, Словакии, России, Чехии, Украины. Жюри восхищено большинством номеров участников, и прекрасной работой педагогов и хореографов, в условиях локдауна.

Председатель жюри Мирослава Пешикова это Чудо объяснила, выдающимся талантом молодых артистов, гениальностью руководителей и бесконечным трудом тех и других.
Мы благодарим коллективы, солистов, дуэты и трио за невероятно красивые и интересные номера, которые были представлены на конкурс. Мы горды тем , что мы были свидетелями Настоящего творчества. Победители получили награды за Произведения танцевального молодёжного искусства.
Все участники чемпионата получат дипломы и медали “Best World Dance Group” и скидки на чемпионат “Best World Dance Group 2021/2022” сезона осень-зима. Победители получили кубки, фирменные вазы и гранты на участие в фестивале “Симпатии Европарков 2021/2022” в Диснейленде.
Мы надеемся что лето позволит нам встретится в нормальном формате, в живую
На фестивалях:
“Радуга” – фольклорный фестиваль, 07-17 августа 2021 года, на Юге Чехии.
“Праздник времени”–фестивале современных номинаций, 18-28 августа, который традиционно проходит в Чехии и Италии.

13.мая 2021 мы покажет Блок Победителей в 15:30.


02.05 – 08.05.2021

Application deadline:


How to participate:

Complete a short application here


Click here to see Main regulations:


  • Choreograph (classical dance, academy ballet, modern ballet, dance stylization, modern choreography, jazz, contemporary, street dance, hip-hop)
  • Orchestras, instrumental musicians and bands
  • Choirs and vocal groups
  • Theaters
  • Circus and sports shows
  • Art

Age categories in all categories:

  1. age category 6-9 years
  2. age category 10-12 years
  3. age category 13-15 years
  4. age category 16-19 years
  5. age category 20-25 years
  6. age category more than 25 years
  7. mixed age category

Festival processing:


Instrumental part of festival.


Vocal part of festival.


Awarding ceremony of Instrumental and Vocal nominations.

Live online stream + ZOOM meeting with group leaders.


First day of choreographic festival competition.


Second day of choreographic festival competition.


Awarding ceremony of the choreography nominations.

Live online stream + ZOOM meeting with group leaders.

Detailed schedule:

Click here to see Detailed schedule:


Greetings from the jury and broadcast of the performances of the musical part of the festival.

Marking by the jury. Analysis of the performance of each team by the jury members will be sent by mail.


Greetings from the jury and broadcasts of the numbers of the vocal part of the festival.

Marking by the jury. Analysis of the performance of each team by the jury members will be sent by mail.


Short meeting in ZOOM of all group leaders and members of the jury. Communication with members of the jury and leaders is possible. Presentation of diplomas to the winners in Music and Vocal nominations.

06.05.21 first choreography day

Greetings from the jury and broadcast of the performances of the choreography part of the festival.

Marking by the jury. Analysis of the performance of each team by the jury members will be sent by mail.

Classical dance (academic ballet, modern ballet), Contemporary dance: (contemporary, jazz), Vaudeville (pop) dance (show dance, cabaret, retro style), Folk dance stylization.

07.05.21 second choreography day

Greetings from the jury and broadcast of the performances of the choreography part of the festival.

Marking by the jury. Analysis of the performance of each team by the jury members will be sent by mail.

Street dance: hip hop new style, hip hop old style, hype, funky, lockin ‘, poppin’, house, breakdance.

Disco show


Short meeting in ZOOM of all group leaders and members of the jury. Communication with members of the jury and leaders is possible. Presentation of diplomas to the winners of the first choreography day


Short meeting in ZOOM of all group leaders and members of the jury. Communication with members of the jury and leaders is possible. Presentation of diplomas to the winners of the second choreography day

Awards & Prizes:


and Grants from 200 to 2500 Eur

for festivals:

  • in Disneyland Paris Sympathy of Europarks
  • cruise festivals World of Youth

for the first, second and third places by jury decision.
1 night & 2 days in Disneyland Paris for FREE

Best group performer of all nominations and categries

Festival fees:

upto 10 performers in group

15 Eur per person

upto 21 performers in group

12 Eur per person

upto 42 performers in group

10 Eur per person

42 and more performers in group

8 Eur per person

Solo, Duo, upto 5 performers in group

20 Eur per person

Apply now

Application for Blossoming Czech Online 2021

Name of your group / Name of the soloist:
The person who filled application:
How many performers in your group:
Nomination (may choose couple):
Age category (may choose couple):
Your webpage / Facebook / Instagram:
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